Don’t Wait For Everybody – Episode 017
Hinting atrocities.
I just keep racking up instances where I see things going on in the US that are eerily familiar to things I’ve read about Rwanda. Seems problematic.
Energy production pollution for no purpose other than cryptocurrency.
Power plant is burning coal waste, burning construction debris, and planning to burn rubber.
Bald eagle at White Deer Lake, Pennsylvania.
Delaware State Forest, Pennsylvania.
Are they really planning an anti-vax military retiree interahamwe in America?
If the far right wrests power, the best case scenario is that possibly medical technology gets shelved and masks and vaccines are maybe banned. The worst case scenario is… worse.
The Internet of Fakes.
PR Tactics, Troll Farms, Sock Puppets, Botnets, Influencers, Operatives, & Chaos Agents.
Dear Public Officials: Stop falling for the myth of an irrational incompetent panicked public
Ridiculously wrong elite panic: The only people panicking are the people in charge.
Elite Panic.
Big shots have different goals than the rest of us. Politicians should be representatives, businesses shouldn’t lead, even billionaires can’t seem to buy common sense, and tech won’t save us.
letters to reps.
Writing Letters to Elected Representatives, a guide.