Don’t Wait For Everybody – Episode 017
Bird flu gets snow goose flocks in Pennsylvania.
Flocks of snow geese have been infected with avian influenza in the Allentown region of Pennsylvania.
Hinting atrocities.
I just keep racking up instances where I see things going on in the US that are eerily familiar to things I’ve read about Rwanda. Seems problematic.
Chloe on North of 48 podcast
I went on this Canadian podcast to talk about the recent elections.
Energy production pollution for no purpose other than cryptocurrency.
Power plant is burning coal waste, burning construction debris, and planning to burn rubber.
The Accusation in a Mirror of Disruption.
The Accusation in a Mirror of Disruption. Don’t Wait For Everybody – Episode 011
Tech tycoon guru reveals the Accusation in a Mirror of conservative pandemic rhetoric.
Curtis Yarvin on how the aristocrat revolution should involve pandemic-type measures.
Thoughts on the Scranton Times-Tribune newspaper.
I think some of the choices the Times-Tribune has made in publishing some things have been questionable and potentially dangerous for our community.
The end of free covid vaccines for uninsured adults in the U.S. is an unacceptable state of affairs.
It’s unacceptable that the CDC’s Bridge Access Program ended prematurely.
Lab Leak Truthers are Pandemic Deniers.
The false internal logic of being mad about a lab leak, but being cool with spreading the virus.
No to burning tires for the benefit of cryptocurrency tycoons
Cryptocurrency power hogging schemes are unacceptable.
Jessica Pants on Fire
Why I don’t share this influencer’s content,
Beaver at White Deer Lake, Pennsylvania
Delaware State Forest
Bald eagle at White Deer Lake, Pennsylvania.
Delaware State Forest, Pennsylvania.
nose hype
More pandemic profiteering that might violate regulations, and definitely isn’t ready for prime time.
Are they really planning an anti-vax military retiree interahamwe in America?
If the far right wrests power, the best case scenario is that possibly medical technology gets shelved and masks and vaccines are maybe banned. The worst case scenario is… worse.
Sabotage works best when it looks like incompetence.
The 1944 Simple Sabotage Field Manual, a resource from multiple perspectives.
They may hate you, but they love each other.
You see hate mongering, they see a bright future.
The Internet of Fakes.
PR Tactics, Troll Farms, Sock Puppets, Botnets, Influencers, Operatives, & Chaos Agents.
Don’t Wait For Everybody
Anti-mask Woke-washing.
The moral distortion of social justice.
Dear Public Officials: Stop falling for the myth of an irrational incompetent panicked public
Ridiculously wrong elite panic: The only people panicking are the people in charge.
Manufacturing MILD
MILD: A longtime PR word to downplay threats, normalize harms, and manufacture consent by manufacturing doubt.
Elite Panic.
Big shots have different goals than the rest of us. Politicians should be representatives, businesses shouldn’t lead, even billionaires can’t seem to buy common sense, and tech won’t save us.
letters to reps.
Writing Letters to Elected Representatives, a guide.